Google+ gets a +1 after first day of using it

About Google+

I’ve only had one day with it but I like it a lot better than Facebook and I trust Google with my information more than facebook. The circles feature is something that FB has needed for a long time. The easy way to have a post public or just for select circles is great. The integration with other google products like gmail, picasa, youtube works well for me since I’ve become such a google tool 🙂  It seems like I’m using just about everything they put out.

The drawbacks:

  • The big community is at already Facebook and most are just fine with that
  • Will google be able to get people to switch? that’ll be tough
  • How much of my internet presence do I want dependent on google

For our clients I’ll be recommending Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Many aren’t crazy about having to keep up with what online presence they have now. Hopefully products like Hootsuite will ease the pain of another social media outlet to manage. The benefit for them should make the extra work worth it. I expect google+ will end up tightly integrated with most of google’s stuff… like the google places page for businesses.

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